
Saturday, November 21, 2009

How to Keep From Being Robbed

How to Keep From Being Robbed

1.) Keep your mafia numbers equal to your level. In normal fights you and 500 of your buddies can work together to kick some butt but it’s completely different in robbery scenarios.

In robberies you may attack or defend with an amount equal to your level. When the robbers look at the list and they see less mafia than the level of the player it makes you a target.

2.) Equipment makes the difference. Your defenders are only as strong as the equipment that you give them. If you have nothing but junk, get ready to pay through the nose, but if you have top of the line stuff the robbers may have bitten off a bit more mark than they can chew

3.) Keep Leveling Up. Get out of the lower levels as quickly as possible. The higher level you are the less appetizing you will look to the sharks. Besides boss jobs pay much better than robbing and there are chances for some sweet loot.

4.) Keep your hands out of the cookie jar. If you don’t want to be robbed then don’t rob others.

5.) Win fights. There are very few stats available there are only a few tidbits of information when someone is going to rob you. They can see mafia size, if the property is protected, and standard profile stats. If they see a high win over loss ratio they are less likely to pick on you.

6.) Use smoke and mirrors. No, not magic tricks, I am talking about artificially inflating your win loss ratio. You can make it appear that you are far tougher than you are by fighting weaker people and building the wins. Call it camouflage.

7.) Don’t Hit List people, plain and simple.

8.) Always buy protection.

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2 Response:

PicsJunk November 21, 2009 at 12:49 AM  

Good Description. Thank you.

Anonymous,  November 21, 2009 at 1:56 AM  

no.6 how do you do this?

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