
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mafia Wars Strategy and Guide How To Win on Mafia Wars

How To Win on Mafia Wars:

Mafia wars is regarded as a text based game. The fundamental principle of the Mafia game is that you need to develop a solid mafia family and earn a lot of money as possible. It is essential for you to advance to the next level and become a stronger in Cuba. This can be achieved by the purchase necessary weapons and other points, attack rival Mafias and therefore you defend other attacks. As a result that you will receive reward points each day.

But you can end up in a situation of impotence by constantly lose the game. Well, go there and read the Mafia wars Guide to know the strategies for win the game.

Mafia wars Guide to win:
1. Join mafia wars in the group Facebook and recruit as many players as possible.

2. Buy in bulk properties by earn more money in the game at each level.

3. Strong weapons are highly essential to defend the attackers. Therefore purchase strong weapons and other points which are cheap enough as proof of ball vest.

4. Get more all employment levels in order to unlock objects bonus.

5. An important aspect that you must do is to table your hard earned money in a bank so that it is not stolen.

6. Send an invitation to your friends to attach your mafia group.

7. If you have too many friends in your friends list, then confront all mafia friends and create a separate list. This would be rather to an excellent form of maintain your friends list and may be useful when they ask for help.
8. Register in mafia mailing list so that you can receive timely awards, offers and updates.


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